
Source files for different stuff I’ve written. For python programs I recommend Python(x,y) which is a python 2.7 distribution including most of the modules needed for scientific work.

Noise analyzer
Python script for analyzing noise levels in raw files. Instructions on how to use are not included. Early beta stage, needs dcraw executable and exifread python module.

PID controller
Arduino source code for arduino duo based PID controller, regulating the temperature through the use of a peltier element. Needs documenting and connection schematics.

Peltier efficiency plotter
Python script I used to plot the efficiency of peltier elements and heatsink combos.

One comment

  1. Dear Njal,
    I am not sure that you are the author of ESP Astrofocuser. So far I did some DIY devices using the Atmel MCUs. Now I want to het some experience with Alpaca. So I am studying your code to learn the basics. For me as a newbie it still looks complex.
    The TNC2208 has a 1 wire UART. In the constructor of the focuser object a pointer to hardwareserial is required. Is this due to Alpaca or due to the AccelStepper?
    In config I found a var for backlash, I could not find a backlash comp. in the code.
    Please be so kind and give advice.
    Kind regards

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